Frankie Lee Peterson III received his BFA in contemporary dance from the University of North Carolina school of the Arts in May 2014, where he performed works by Larry Keigwin, Alwin Nikolai, Maurya Kerr, Shen Wei, Juel Lane, Doug Elkins and Merce Cunningham. He has been a consistent scholarship student and faculty assistant at the American Dance Festival, where he performed works by Ohad Naharin, Mark Dendy, Titiana Bagonava & Donald McKayle. He has performed works by Jeremy McQueen at “The Young Choreographers Festival”, “The Capezio ACE Awards”, “Jacobs Pillow Inside/Out Series”, and by Mark Dendy in the World Premier of his site specific work, “Ritual Cyclical”, part of NYC Lincoln Center out of Doors. He recently attended/assisted Springboard Danse Montreal, where he performed works by Johannes Wieland & Helen Simoneau. He is excited to take on something wonderfully new with Gregory and dawsondancesf.

Follow me on social media!
Instagram | @justbeing_frank
Snapchat | justbeing_frank